The BIG pent-up problem

Did you know that sexual pleasure has been declared a human right? Thanks W.H.O! And not only that, the Big. O also has a tonne of positive physical, mental and societal health benefits - like boosting mood (ya, it does!), decreasing stress (oooohhhmmmmm), boosting your immunity (take that cold & flu season), lowering pain, and it even makes you more productive for up to 5 days! 

And while most people can easily experience the pure bliss of self pleasure, for hundreds of millions of people worldwide it’s not so easy. 

In fact, over 50% of physically disabled survey respondents have difficulty masturbating, citing issues with hand pain, hand immobility, lack of dexterity and general hand issues. Incredibly, there haven’t been any products designed specifically for hand limitations - leaving hundreds of millions of people feeling pretty frustrated. 

At Handi, we think this blows (and not in the good way). We believe that everyone should be able to ‘get off’ regardless of their ability. So we’re putting sexual pleasure within reach by creating the first line of sex tech that doesn’t rely on the use of your hands! 

We’ve teamed up with RMIT University in Australia to create first of their kind tech, designed for and by disabled people… but accessible for everyone to enjoy.  Led by Dr.Judith Glover (kind of a big deal in all things sexual health & design - she even teaches a course on it!)

Last month we were accepted into the Remarkable Accelerator Program. So we’re full steam ahead and heads down, focussing on getting you off! 

Sign up to follow our journey (here) or follow us on the socials (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter) to keep up to date on our progress. From time to time we’ll be asking the community for input, but we are always open to feedback and suggestions - feel free to drop us a line and we’ll do our best to get back to you quickly (here)

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