The Handi Book: Tales of Love, Lust & Wheelchairs

We’re extremely excited to announce we're working a book, set to launch in October.

 The Handi Book, like our products, is designed to smash down taboos around sex+disability and unearth topics rarely, if ever, discussed. Topics like sex, sexuality, dating and disability, and all the feelings (good, painful, hilarious, filthy, delicious, raw) that come with them.

To pull it together, we asked ourselves: What are the big, burning questions around sex+disability that move past the basic and often mechanical 101s and go deeper? What are the questions that (we think) haven’t been asked before or deserve more time in the spotlight?

Questions like…

  • What’s the sexiest thing anyone’s ever said to you about your disability?

  • What are the times your disability has enhanced your sexual experience, or made it particularly memorable?

  • How has your advancing disability affected your perception of yourself and your sexuality?

 We’ve taken these questions (and many more) to some of our friends, colleagues, respected influencers and people that we admire from the disabled community, resulting in contributors from around the world sharing their stories on these poignant topics.

 Here are just a few things that have surprised us, in the best possible ways:


1) The Bravery

People have laid their themselves, their emotions and their experiences bare, in ways that are sometimes hilarious, sometimes filthy, sometimes confronting and - often - everything at once.

Like this quote:

My pain is always present and often body-wide, though the level varies from minute to minute sometimes, so it can be hard to get in the mood when it feels like you’re Satan’s personal piñata.” - Sarah Szymczak


2) The Variety

How the contributors chose to express themselves was totally open and, as a result, we have an incredible smorgasbord of responses; some prose, some poetry, some illustration, some photography, some comic strip format…It’s amazing to see the creativity and variety.

3) The Generosity

This has truly bowled us over. That people have taken the time to respond in great depth, with so much openness and honest honesty is pretty special.

We’ve had a host of amazing offers too. Like @DandyDoodlez offering to work up an illustration of each of our contributors, and help design the front cover. And our Design team, Luka Agency, offering to work as partners, and be flexible on payment until we’ve covered our printing costs, and TPH from Canada offering to help with the printing. We’ve said it before, and we’ll say it again, it takes a village!

Because of all the above and more, we know that everyone involved with this project feels a real responsibility; a responsibility to make sure we treat these contributions with respect and warmth, and that we create something beautiful, unique and – hopefully - important with the final product.

We’re so delighted to have you all on board. Thank you.

How you can get involved:

  • If you would like to contribute to the responses for the book, drop us an email at

  • If you would like to put yourself forward as a voice for the audiobook pls drop us an email at

  • If you would like to consider donating, so we can get the book into your laps faster, pls go to* and write a comment to specify that it’s for the book

*n.b. Handi is ‘pre-revenue’, which is a fancy way of saying ‘we’re not making money yet’, as our products are still in development. Any funds raised will go towards the production costs associated with the book ONLY, and not into anyone’s pockets.

[image description: purple and blue book slightly open with legs coming out of either side of the book and yellow pleasure lines beside each leg on purple background]

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